Author - wphungerford

Shocking Statistics Healthcare Medical Carts WOWs

Shocking Statistics

Tis' the season to plan costumes, shop for candy, watch horror movies, jaunt through the local haunted house and simply get your scare gene tickled. In keeping with that theme, let's talk shocking statistics, frightening stats that make you shutter!

  • US life expectancy declines for third straight year. The average life expectancy in the U.S. has been on the decline for three consecutive years. A baby born in 2017 is expected to live to be 78.6 years old, which is down from 78.7 the year before, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics.
  • NOT buying a quality workstation on wheels can cost you. See how one of our hospitals saved over $3.5 million! Look at the long term costs of your investment.
  • One million more nurses are needed in the workforce in order to avoid further nurse shortages in the United States, according to The US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the total "economic burden" of prescription opioid misuse alone in the United States is $78.5 billion a year, including the costs of healthcare, lost productivity, addiction treatment, and criminal justice involvement.
  • According to the American Nurses Association, 1 out of 4 nurses are assaulted on the job. Hospitals that invest in a quality staff duress system are making an important first step.

“On any given day, about one in 31 hospital patients has at least one healthcare-associated infection. Imagine how automating hand hygiene compliance could help your facility.”

  • Halloween retail spending was estimated at $9 billion in 2018. Spending a record $86.79 per person, according to the National Retail Federation's annual survey.
  • On any given day, about one in 31 hospital patients has at least one healthcare-associated infection. Imagine how automating hand hygiene compliance could help your facility.
  • Health spending is projected to grow 0.8 percentage point faster than Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per year over the 2018-27 period; as a result, the health share of GDP is expected to rise from 17.9 percent in 2017 to 19.4 percent by 2027.
  • According to the most recent Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data, adult obesity rates now exceed 35% in nine states, 30% in 31 states and 25% in 48 states. Mississippi and West Virginia have the highest adult obesity rate at 39.5% and Colorado has the lowest at 23%.
  • The United States will see a shortage of up to nearly 122,000 physicians by 2032 as demand for physicians continues to grow faster than supply, according to new data published today by the AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges).
  • The top five Halloween costumes for adults are witch, vampire, zombie, pirate, and Avengers character. The top five for children were princess, superhero, Batman, Star Wars character, and witch according to the National Retail Federation's annual survey.
  • A hospital reported an average of one million alarms going off in a single week.
  • Nurses have superpowers. Ability to lift patients twice their size. Bladders of steel to survive beyond-busy shifts. Laser-beam focus to juggle multiple patients. Lightning-quick response to emergencies and unexpected contingencies. Maybe not a study to verify, but they do, I can’t imagine anyone would disagree.

Medical Equipment & Healthcare Solutions

Connect with Convergint at (800) 968-3135 to learn more about our commitment to delivering exceptional results to our customers through unparalleled customer service.

Best of Breed Medical Carts

Best of The Best

The National Dog Show, televised every year after the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, has become a fan favorite, even for those who don't typically follow dog shows. The winning entry even makes national headlines and generates a lot of publicity for the winner's breed. But what does winning the National Dog Show mean for the breed?

  • Is there an uptick in sales?
  • Is it awareness of the breed?
  • What about the awesome mixed breed dogs that are not eligible to participate?

All good questions, but whatever the motivation, there is no doubt the notoriety of being named the "Best of the Best". Achieving this status required long hours of training and grooming. So you know that when a dog wins the National Dog Show, it is truly the BEST of the BEST.

At Innovative Medical Systems (now Convergint), we only represent the "Best of the Best". This means the solutions we represent have been scrupulously vetted, and our expert staff has in-depth knowledge on the solution. The decision to only represent “Best of Breed” vendors was made when Convergint began over 30 years ago. We believe it is important for us to thoroughly understand and recommend the right solutions, making sure they are built to last and to sustain the healthcare environment 24/7/365. Why does this matter to you?

“We believe it is important for us to thoroughly understand and recommend the right solutions, making sure they are built to last and to sustain the healthcare environment 24/7/365.”

It matters because in order to truly be the “Best of the Best” we have to make sure we also “Walk the Walk” and provide not only the "Best of the Best" products but the "Best of the Best" customer service. For us it is simply an extension of the Golden Rule, “Treat others as you want to be treated.”

So with that in mind, consider these “Top Reasons Why Convergint Is The Best Of Best Vendor For You:”

  • Cost of Ownership: What is the long-term value of your purchase? How long is it expected to last in your facility? Look at the “Cost of Ownership ” and the long-term value provided by working with Convergint.
  • Ease of Doing Business: How difficult is it to connect with a company? Having a real person answer the phone instead of an automated system is key to making it easy to connect with us.
  • Service and Support: We have learned how important it is to have a champion who keeps your systems operational, but knowing that there is a full service team on call 24/7 helps everyone sleep at night.
  • System Champion: Speaking of a system champion, do you have one? Why is a champion so critical to your operations? In an environment of constant change and staff turnover, who insures that the system is up-to-date and new staff is trained? We do.
  • Training: Have you met our trainers? They make training fun. But is is also an effective use of staff time. Need a refresher? Call us.
  • Digital resources: There is no denying that the digital landscape continues to change. We are proud of our website and invite you to check it out especially with the changes coming this summer!
  • Preventative Maintenance: What is your plan to keep your carts and devices fully operational for the long haul? If you don't have one, we can create one for you.
  • Why Convergint? Is it important to have a partner that gives your facility the attention it needs with the integrity to do it right.

Medical Equipment & Healthcare Solutions

Connect with Convergint at (800) 968-3135 to learn more about our commitment to delivering exceptional results to our customers through unparalleled customer service.

Seasons Change Medical Carts Hospital Furniture

Seasons Change – Spark Joy

It’s that time again - Spring Time. Time to open the windows and breathe in the fresh air!

I don’t know about other parts of the world, but in the Midwest airing out a house is so refreshing! Then comes time to clean out the cupboards, clear the drawers of clutter and junk, donate clothes from the closets and just plain minimize your belongings. There is a great feeling about opening a closet or dresser drawer when it has been re-organized.

A few years ago, my daughter bought a book by organizing consultant Marie Kondo. After reading the first chapter, she said, “It was pretty clear what the point of the whole book was going to be in the first chapter.” Marie has now become the latest craze on Netflix and is teaching many about the joy of tidying up.

“Design your desired layout, be creative, be smart about necessities. Putting items you use often at the drawer front, and items used less often in the rear of the drawer.”

Organizing my work space is just as important as organizing my home. It feels great coming to an area where every space has a purpose. I get excited about the idea or the gadgets that are available to help me get organized. However, getting there isn’t always easy or fast, it takes time.

The idea of organizing a cart drawer or cabinet can sometimes seem overwhelming. You can simplify it by taking a moment to separate supplies by category or urgency, then make the decision as to how you will go forward with keeping each item in its place.

At Innovative Medical Systems (now Convergint), we found the following three (of many) organizational options to be helpful:

  • Drawer Divider Tray –these inserts, the size of the drawer, are set up with dividers and loaded with supplies. A spare, fully stocked tray in storage can be swapped out quickly for use and resupply/inventory management.
  • Drawer Divider Inserts – When the need to restock isn’t nearly as urgent, yet clarity is important, dividers can be installed for the purpose of keeping the supplies separated so that they are quick and easy to identify.
  • Flexible Dividers – the ability for the dividers to be modified as the needs of a department change or as requirements take effect is important.

Design your desired layout, be creative, be smart about necessities. Putting items you use often at the drawer front, and items used less often in the rear of the drawer.

If you need a new cart and require better drawer divider options to help with your workflow, contact Convergint for information on available options to make your job “spark joy!”

Medical Equipment & Healthcare Solutions

Connect with Convergint at (800) 968-3135 to learn more about our commitment to delivering exceptional results to our customers through unparalleled customer service.

Opioid Crisis Creates Havoc in the ED

Opioid Crisis Threatens Hospital Staff

According to a recent article on the opioid crisis on, “Nearly half of American emergency physicians said they have been physically assaulted at work, and three in five report those assaults happened during the past year, according to a new poll commissioned by the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)”.

The poll also uncovered that half of emergency physicians reported that at least half of all assaults are committed by people who are either seeking drugs or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. What steps can an Emergency Department take to protect its staff from assaults?

Installing a staff duress or an employee panic system is a decision that should cover all employees, not just a single department. What often starts as a single point solution can quickly morph into an enterprise solution because other departments want to be protected, too. In all honesty, staff could be attacked on any floor of the hospital. Just ask around and it won't be long and you will hear the stories.

“We have experience consulting, installing and training on enterprise-wide RTLS solutions, and we know the land mines.”

Once a decision is made to look for a staff duress system, make sure to find one that interfaces with your unique security protocol. You want to a system that responds to your needs and alerts respondents by phone and by light but, more importantly, alerts you in the manner you require in times of duress. Time is of the essence, but not all staff duress systems are equal. When assessing a staff duress system make sure to consider:

  1. Does the technology; (for example; infared, RFID) allow a staff member's badge to be seen if staff is pulled into a closet, grabbed from behind or thrown to the ground?
  2. Can an individual test the staff badge, on an ongoing basis, to ensure the system will work when needed? This type of testing provides assurance that the system is working.
  3. Once a staff member activates a duress call, does the system continually track, in real time, the location of the staff member? Be aware that some systems only report when and where the badge is activated and do not continue to track the location where staff was taken.
  4. Is the staff duress infrastructure (badges, receivers and monitors) monitored to ensure everything is fully operational? Is this the responsibility of internal hospital IT staff or external vendor support staff?

In addition to the above points, the most critical point of staff duress is assessing the importance of location certainty. Do you wish to know if a staff member is in a particular building, floor, or room?

If staff is attacked and taken some place, someone needs to know where they are! If the system does not give room level certainty and update frequently, how much time can you afford searching for that person?

Reports about staff being attacked are real. Attackers are desperate and are going to desperate measures. Having an enterprise staff duress system with room level certainty may seem costly BUT...

Once you have installed a duress system infrastructure with room-level certainty, you now have a system that will allow you to add on additional use cases. Use cases that show ROI such as asset tracking and patient flow. Again, this requires a strategic-enterprise, long-term approach, but in the end it is the most cost effective.

How do you pull the pieces together and achieve maximum return on investment?

This is where Convergint shines. We have experience consulting, installing and training on enterprise-wide RTLS solutions, and we know the land mines. Our goal is to ensure your system succeeds with all departments, and trust us when we say it is critical to have multiple departments at all levels committed to ensuring system success from the beginning.

Our work with best-in-class vendors has provided us with the necessary experience and knowledge to understand what your infrastructure already contains, what can be added, and how you can most efficiently use it. Did you know you may already have pieces of a high end RTLS solution in place?

Medical Equipment & Healthcare Solutions

Connect with Convergint at (800) 968-3135 to learn more about our commitment to delivering exceptional results to our customers through unparalleled customer service.

Buyer's Remorse Convergint Innovative Medical Solutions

Buyer’s Remorse – Making An Educated Decision

We all experience buyer’s remorse at one time or another. It rears its ugly head when the product or service did not live up to its claConvergint. Now you are stuck and often have no recourse to rectify the situation.Let’s move that same scenario into the workplace.

What happens when you are charged with making a capital investment buying decision? Your facility and possibly even your career cannot afford for you to have buyer’s remorse. Imagine making a multi-million dollar investment only to not have clinicians properly use the system. GULP!It happens especially when a system champion moves onto another project or another department.

After more than 30 years in the business, we have heard many buyer remorse stories

Computer Carts: There are occasions when we lose a sale due to price and when that happens, we often wonder if ROI is truly getting measured or was it simply based on price. In a recent conversation with a new customer we learned we lost the bid because of price and now a year later they were calling to have us re-quote some new carts. They quickly realized the carts they purchased were falling apart not even a year later. Clinicians were complaining about broken drawers, difficulty pushing around, and wheels getting wobbly. Remember how it feels to get that shopping cart with an off wheel? Imagine pushing a cart with wheels that do not operate the way they should. Maddening!!!

Infrastructure: Another time, we found a hospital that made a significant investment in an infrastructure that was not operational. WHAT? The company that sold the system did not ask all the questions up front and then did not follow thru on servicing the system after the sale to ensure that it was operating appropriately. Sales at Convergint, especially ugly system sales are not one and done! We offer ongoing support years after the initial installation to insure it is operating and delivering to your expectations. Is that why we have the first patient security system we installed 20 years ago still operating successfully?

“Purchasing reliable equipment should not create buyers remorse especially when you work with a trusted vendor who has a solid reputation within the healthcare industry.”

Wooden Bassinet: In a recent visit to an OB unit, we saw some well-worn bassinets and assumed they were very old. Upon further questioning, we found they were not that old, but were becoming gummy because the finish could not withstand the chemicals used to sanitize them. Again, asking questions is what we do, and what we do well. Since they did not realize the wood finish would not hold up, they are now stuck with these bassinets and should Joint Commission inspect, they could face an even bigger issue with non-compliant bassinets.

Making a decision on purchasing the right capital equipment is no easy task! Typically, one does their homework researching the needs of the clinicians, brands, options and gathers an understanding of the workflow involved. Then they talk to various vendors to find a company that will deliver the product that fits these needs. More complex systems and integrations require even more questions and many of those should come from the vendor, a consultative-educational approach is critical, especially with all the new technologies that are disrupting the marketplace.

When your facility is standardized on equipment, like many are, there may not be many options to choose from. Fortunately, our 30-year reputation in the marketplace has afforded us an opportunity to get signed Master Sales and Service Agreements (MSSA) into place for many IDN’s. Meaning that doing business with us is still an option.

Either way, purchasing reliable equipment should not create buyers remorse especially when you work with a trusted vendor who has a solid reputation within the healthcare industry. Our next blog is our buying guide on what questions to ask so that you can avoid buyer’s remorse when making your next capital investment.

Medical Equipment & Healthcare Solutions

Connect with Convergint at (800) 968-3135 to learn more about our commitment to delivering exceptional results to our customers through unparalleled customer service.

Super Bowl of Service

Super Bowl Of Service

The annual championship game of the National Football League is where the top two NFL teams battle it out on the field to determine a winner. Winner takes all. The Super Bowl is the elite invitation to be the best! It is also when companies spend significant money to get us to talk about their commercials and their brand.

Were they the sentimental favorite? Was it funny? Was it inspirational? The brand winner gets rewarded with media buzz and increased revenues. At IMS (now Convergint), our Service Team is the elite team that makes it all work in your hospital. Available 24/7, 365. Don't take my word for it. Here is what you had to say about them:

I hope you and the rest of the Convergint staff had a great holiday, and hope you all do well moving ahead. As I previously mentioned, you have been the best vendor I’ve worked with while in my role and you definitely set the bar. Thank you for all your time, patience, and continued excellence in service to our site!

Customer from Minnesota

Just wanted to reach out to you and say that your support group has been the best support group I’ve worked with, here at "Hospital A" and "Hospital B". The team provides very good follow up, follows up proactively on issues, and the local tech Mike Keenan has always been responsive and helpful. Good job on the team and the work!

Customer from Minnesota

Bob Chenoweth and team! Just wanted to say it was a great pleasure to work with the whole Convergint Staff throughout this process! Thanks for all you did!

Customer from Minnesota

Scott Clemons and Lee Philpot from Convergint were the best vendors that I ever worked with.

Customer from Ohio

I’m sending this email a couple days late. I wanted to let you know that Mike Rittner and Wayne did an excellent job completing the wow cart PM’s, med drawer and printer bracket installs. The carts look 100% better and we will be ready for the Go-Live for the new Lab label system. Special thanks to Josh for getting everything delivered on time as promised. Thanks again to Convergint for the excellent support.

Customer from Michigan

We allowed our SMA to lapse and were hesitant to bring it up to speed because of cost. When we considered the cost of becoming current, we decided to shop around and investigate other Patient Security Systems. When it came right down to it, we contacted Convergint fearful of being charged excessive cost to get our system up to standards. And I quote "I was expecting to get hosed!" What I found when the numbers came in was a company who was being extremely fair even though we were "stepchildren who had refused to stay current." The staff here really appreciates the grace, fairness and helpfulness which our hospital experienced with Convergint.

Customer from Minnesota

Hi Jason and Ron. I just want to say Thank You to you and your teams for the HUGS upgrades. The timelines were crazy but you and your organization really responded. I have to say this was one of the most satisfying engagements I’ve had with a vendor in some time, and I appreciate all you and your teams did to get this complete. Mike Keenan was tremendous to work with, very professional and great customer skills. Mike did an excellent job with all the variables he had to deal with. I certainly was pleased with all he did. Thank you again for your efforts.

Customer from a large IDN

It has been my pleasure to work with you and Convergint. I can honestly say that I have never had a bad interaction with anyone going from the front office all the way up to Ron during my experience with HUGS –around 17 years!! The knowledge, friendly manner and patience displayed by all of you during some very trying interactions has been beyond belief. I thank you for getting both hospitals up to date with servers, hardware, versions etc. Convergint is at the top of my list for the highest quality vendor!

Customer from Michigan

Not sure who Gabe’s boss is so I am sending this to you guys, Gabe and crew did an excellent installation job here for us. Please pass this along to your higher ups and let them know that with Gabe’s leadership and knowledge along with explaining this process to our staff; this is just a great experience. You should be proud of the work these gentlemen have done!

Customer from Ohio

I just wanted to let you know that for the second time I have had to deal with Michael about a trouble cart, he has been absolutely incredible! I believe I first contacted him Monday about the cart, and as of COB today, I have the faulty inverter labeled and ready to send back! He has been outstanding at providing me support for our Howard Carts!

Customer from Michigan

Medical Equipment & Healthcare Solutions

Connect with Convergint at (800) 968-3135 to learn more about our commitment to delivering exceptional results to our customers through unparalleled customer service.

Capsa M38e Workstations on Wheels

WOW’s and More

Throughout the year we plan to highlight our various product management teams. Our goal is to introduce them to you, share what they do, and talk about how we help facilities all across the U.S.

This month meet our EMR Computer Mounts team; Josh and Elaine. These two work tirelessly to ensure they recommend the right wow's, carts, or mounts for your workflow that withstands the demands of the healthcare environment.

Convergint only represents best in class vendors. Vendors that work with Convergint to deliver products modified to fit your workflow. I.e. ask about Zebra printer mounts to mount the printer on the cart saving steps and more importantly improving patient label accuracy.

WOW's Workstation Carts Convergint

Josh VandenBroek - Product Manager

EMR Computer Carts, Laptop Carts, Wall Arm Mounts and Power Management Software

How long have you worked at Convergint?

Eight years.

What is the most challenging part of your job?

Keeping up with the fine details of each project while still maintaining the overall picture of moving the project along to meet the customer timeline.

What value does Convergint bring to the market?

Our product lineup is a best-in-class approach to fit each budget, workflow, timeline, and customization requirements. We have the experience to provide the right solution for each situation and offer a consultative approach with onsite visits and demo equipment to ensure the proposed solution meets every need.

Why should someone talk to us about EMR products?

Our years of experience have given us the ability to ask the right questions and efficiently find a solution. We do walk-throughs and on-site demonstrations as well as technology integration/installation and end-user training. We walk with the customer every step of the way from the first conversation to support after deployment.

What is something you taught yourself lately?

Being diligent in reading books daily.

What do you enjoy doing when are not working?

Spending time with my wife and 2-year-old son and traveling.

What is one interesting fact about yourself?

I’ve been to three Olympic venues – Lake Placid after the Olympics, Vancouver just before, and London during the games.

“These two work tirelessly to ensure they recommend the right wow’s, carts, or mounts for your workflow that withstands the demands of the healthcare environment.”

WOW's Workstation on Wheels

Elaine VanDyke - Product Specialist

EMR Computer Carts, Laptop Carts, Wall Arm Mounts and Power Management Software

How long have you worked at Convergint?

Ten Years

What is the most challenging part of your job?

We are problem solvers and never know what the next phone call will bring. Our clients bring us their challenges and we are responsible to find solutions. Convergint carries several different brands and styles of carts, wall arms, and peripherals. It can be a challenge to be proficient in products that perform in the hospital setting and offer our customers the best value. We keep up on the latest industry technology and trends, and then work with our manufacturers to provide our clients with custom solutions that fit their work flow.

What value does Convergint bring to the market?

We work with several different manufacturers and can offer our customers unique products and custom solutions. We offer a real value to our clients and, we are known as experts in the products we deliver, which can be a great resource to our customers.

Why should someone talk to us about EMR products?

We do what we say we will do, have a great deal of both product and industry knowledge, and will find you the best solution to meet your needs.

What is something you taught yourself lately?

Learning to cook different styles of food. Lately my husband and I are into cooking Thai food.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

I enjoy golfing, cooking and baking, working in the garden, and I’m an avid reader. We also enjoy spending time with our three granddaughters (ages 21, 15 and 5 months.)

What is one interesting fact about yourself?

As a child, I acted in several commercials on local TV.

Medical Equipment & Healthcare Solutions

Connect with Convergint at (800) 968-3135 to learn more about our commitment to delivering exceptional results to our customers through unparalleled customer service.

Recapping 2018 Convergint Hospital Carts

Recapping 2018

Recapping 2018 — As we prepare for the holiday season and ring in 2019, we reflect on the past year and anticipate the year ahead. 2018 was certainly a year of transition and expansion for IMS (now Convergint). We were fortunate to be granted opportunities that allowed us to expand our product lines and get more involved in more complex integrations within the healthcare environment.

Join me as I share some random fun facts from 2018:

  • We continued to grow our blog “In the Hospital We Make It All Work Together” and published 37 blogs
  • The Shape of Water won “Best Picture” at the Oscars, did you see it?
  • We sent out over 57,000 blog emails and you have responded favorably
  • Prince Harry and Megan Markle were married and now she is pregnant expecting their bundle of joy in spring
  • Our most read blog was our series on our Convergint Veterans. We are so honored to have these amazing men and women as part of our Convergint family and glad you enjoyed reading about them too.

“We have been blessed to have worked with our wonderful customers and vendors. We extend our wishes to have a safe and blessed holiday season.”

  • Top song, according to the Billboard Hot 100 is Drake’s God’s Plan
  • We still have our first HUGS Patient Security customer and never had a system uninstalled
  • According to IMBd, Black Panther is the highest grossing movie of 2018 with $700 million
  • Next year, Convergint will continue to do business as we have always done business, with honesty and integrity.
  • Aretha Franklin, the Queen of Soul passed away, R-E-S-P-E-C-T

We have been blessed to have worked with our wonderful customers and vendors. We extend our wishes to have a safe and blessed holiday season.

Medical Equipment & Healthcare Solutions

Connect with Convergint at (800) 968-3135 to learn more about our commitment to delivering exceptional results to our customers through unparalleled customer service.

You Did What You Said Your Were Going To Do

“You Did What You Said You Were Going To Do!”

“You did what you said you were going to do!” was shared in amazement by a customer. I was equally amazed, but for a different reason. Why was this a surprise? Evidently, this customer had experiences that left expectations unmet.

How does this happen?

  • Were expectations set up front and why weren’t they met?
  • Desperate for a sale, was the sales person caught up in a slight exaggeration?
  • Was there an unintentional omission of critical information?
  • Was the scope of work fully defined and was there understanding with the connected pieces outside of the scope?
  • Who was coordinating and overseeing the post sale efforts?

Regardless, unmet expectations leads to a lack of trust and confidence. Fortunately, one of our core values for 30 years has been “Golden Rule” treatment, we treat customers the way we want to be treated. We deploy solutions the way we would want them deployed if we were in their shoes.

“I can sleep at night knowing that we aim to provide the Golden Rule treatment to customers and potential customers, allowing us to succeed more times than we fail.”

The Golden Rule Treatment

  • For systems, we take painful measures (painful from a sales standpoint because the detail slow down the sales process) to document ALL of the details – and I mean ALL – carefully designing the system and sharing with the customer for a common understanding before moving forward.
  • For equipment, wherever possible we encourage a “try before you buy” methodology so there are no surprises and the end users can actually touch and see if the device meets their needs before investing time and money. Providing demo equipment is not always economical or easy.
    • It is also painful from a sales standpoint because it would be more expeditious to just take the order without a demo or trial evaluation.

When you see my title, some will dismiss this as just “sales speak” from a guy trying to get more business and you’d be partially right – I am always looking for new customers to serve. But I can sleep at night knowing that we aim to provide the Golden Rule treatment to customers and potential customers, allowing us to succeed more times than we fail.

Medical Equipment & Healthcare Solutions

Connect with Convergint at (800) 968-3135 to learn more about our commitment to delivering exceptional results to our customers through unparalleled customer service.

Hemorrhage Carts Saving Lives OB

Saving Lives

Time is of the essence when a new mom hemorrhages after childbirth, often the difference between life and death. Save lives by having hemorrhage supplies readily available. Sounds extreme, but when one looks at the studies and key findings, it is clear; timing is critical. More disturbing is the trend line for the U.S.

Stats and procedures to consider:

According to the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative, Readiness (every unit) should include:

  • Hemorrhage Cart / with Procedural Instructions (balloons, compression stiches)
  • Rapid access to hemorrhage medications (kit or equivalent)
  • Establish a response team: multiple partnerships, unit education, drills, debriefs
  • Establish MTP and 0-neg/uncrossmatched transfusion protocols

“Convergint has been working hand in hand with hospitals all across the US to provide a medical cart configured as a Hemorrhage cart to fit their workflow and specific needs.”

According to a recent USA Today article:

  • ”Every year, thousands of women suffer life-altering injuries or die during childbirth.”
  • “Two women die in childbirth almost every day in America, almost 700 a year. Half of these deaths can be prevented.”
  • About 137 women per day, 50,000 per year – suffer severe complications or life threatening injuries in the OB.

Convergint has been working hand in hand with hospitals all across the US to provide a medical cart configured as a Hemorrhage cart to fit their workflow and specific needs.

Call us today to talk about your workflow and how a hemorrhage cart may help save lives in your OB.

Medical Equipment & Healthcare Solutions

Connect with Convergint at (800) 968-3135 to learn more about our commitment to delivering exceptional results to our customers through unparalleled customer service.